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Women’s Movement




Public figure, Honored worker of the social sphere of Ukraine




General of the Army of Ukraine




Public figure, author of the village development program

Mothers of the world against war and terrorism

  1. From the representatives of the civil society of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Women’s Movement “Mothers of the World Against War and Terrorism” has made the decision and publicly announced the following: To recognize His Holiness Patriarch Filaret of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as a Righteous Man of Ukraine for his love and loyalty to the Ukrainian people, for the preservation of the independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, and his significant contribution to the establishment of a lawful independent Ukrainian State.
  2. To create and approve the Statute for the Creation of the Order of Saint Filaret of the Ukrainian Women’s Movement “Mothers of the World Against War and Terrorism,” which will honor righteous men of Ukraine for their love and loyalty to the Ukrainian people and the unified local Orthodox Church of the independent Ukrainian State.
  3. To organize the presentation of the corresponding “Righteous Man of Ukraine” Diploma to His Holiness Patriarch Filaret of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate by representatives of Ukraine’s civil society and the Ukrainian Women’s Movement “Mothers of the World Against War and Terrorism.”
  4. To propose to the Patriarch the publication of the “Memoirs of His Holiness Patriarch Filaret” in the Ukrainian language and in the language of the country where the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate diaspora resides for dissemination among the population of that country to spread historical truth about Ukraine globally.
  5. We will take control of implementing these decisions—the Council of Founders of the Ukrainian Women’s Movement “Mothers of the World Against War and Terrorism.”
USA Media Corporation

Founders' Decisions

  1. To create a Committee for Foreign Affairs and Relations with the Global Diaspora.
  2. To announce the creation of the Legislative Initiatives Committee from the members of the Central Council and to approve the corresponding statute.
  3. To approve the statute for creating the Committee for Legal Aid to Protect the Rights of Mothers and Children Forced to Stay Abroad.
  4. To create a Committee for Security Information – the Ukrainian International Press Service in 15 countries where the People’s Choir named after O. Koshets performed from 1919 to 1925, to disseminate the book “Ukrainian Song Abroad”, which tells the story of the global concert tour of the Ukrainian National Choir led by Oleksandr Koshets, in Ukrainian and in the language of the country where the Ukrainian diaspora resides, to inform the local population.
  5. The task of the committee is to spread the historical truth about Ukraine – promoting peace and democracy in the fight against the “Russian World” and Russia’s war on the territory of Ukraine. To create representations to ensure media appearances and cultural events for the Ukrainian Women’s Movement in the country where the Ukrainian diaspora resides.
  6. To create and approve the Statute for the Creation of the Order for Peace and Freedom of the Ukrainian People – the Ukrainian Women’s Movement “Mothers of the World Against War and Terrorism”, which will honor representatives of foreign states who help the Ukrainian people defend their statehood, peace, and freedom, and protect our land from the war criminal Vladimir Putin, as guaranteed by the signatory countries of the “Budapest Memorandum” in exchange for Ukraine’s surrender of nuclear weapons.
  7. We will control the execution of the decision and the preparation of appropriate documents in accordance with current legislation—the Council of Founders of the Ukrainian Women’s Movement “Mothers of the World Against War and Terrorism.”